Monday, March 10, 2014

Thank you


I want to take the time the thank you for your hard work and effort with a special thanks for the last few weeks where we have focused on technique. 

Simply put, dance is hard.  It's beautiful to behold and graceful in motion, but so beautiful and so graceful, in fact, that it's all too underestimated.  Those of us in this world who are crazy enough to take it on do so because the passion outweighs the pain.  With the frustrations of training and countless beads of sweat, we still have a desire to work. 

Watching our team work together in the "circuit training" style of technique review was wonderful, and I wish that your parents had the opportunity to see you work so well.  You used your knowledge to train each other, review detailed movements, and listened to each other's corrections.  

And even with our relaxing rehearsal (..and potluck) last week, you ladies enjoyed your time together.  Whether you did homework or cuddled up to your friends, you remained together until 5:30pm.  Anyone of you could have left early from technique training or Movie Monday, but you put in the time.  Thank you.  Thank you for doing what's right.  

Right isn't always easy, and it certainly can provide more work initially (...hello, dance!).  As Dr. Maya Angelou would say (and I hope you'll always remember), "just do right"...

Thank you,
Mrs. Torres