Monday, August 10, 2015

2015-16 Regent Dance and Mascot Team Captains

Congratulations to the Regent Dance Team Captains for the 2015-16 Season (in alphabetical order):
  • Sofia Balla
  • Katie Birgen
  • Madison Markstrom
  • Gabriella Rubert
  • Naomi Tinker
The above Dance Team Captains are responsible for the following roles and responsibilities:
  • Maintain constant contact with Mrs. Torres, the Dance Staff members/choreographers and her designated teammates to communicate all necessary information.
  • All communication between the Dance Staff and the team members
  • Ensure all members are at practices and events.
  • Taking roll at all practices and events.
  • All music and a player for all practices and events.
  • All material and ensuring that her teammates know the dances and are performance ready.
  • Successfully execute leadership in the fields of unity, technique, routines, publicity and community efforts, birthday celebration, new student mentorship, and image development and implementation.

Congratulations again to the five ladies above.  
We look forward to a successful year with your new leadership team!

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