Monday, June 10, 2013

Financial and Academic Statements

Thank you for all of the great work so far.  We've made tremendous progress in rehearsals, but we still have so much to cover before school begins in August.  As a reminder to the students who heard all of this information at rehearsal, grades and payments must be kept up to date throughout the year.
Academic and financial checks will be made quarterly, and St. Lucy's will notify all families in writing when these dates will be for the 2013-14 season.  Once the Staff is given the paperwork, dance team families will be notified immediately.  Thank you for staying on top of your grades and monthly payments.  As a reminder, your payment is now due if you haven't paid your bill this month regardless of your ability to be here at all rehearsals during the summer.
If you have any questions, please contact the Dance Staff.  Thank you again for your hard work and dedication to the St. Lucy's Dance Team.  We greatly appreciate all that you do.
Mr. Bencomo and the Dance Staff
St. Lucy's Dance Team
St. Lucy's Priory High School
Direct: 909.29LUCYS (909-295-8297)
Dance Team:
Mr. Bencomo:

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