Thursday, June 13, 2013

Stretch and Strengthen ON YOUR OWN this Summer

Dancers, please be sure that you are taking care of yourself  while not at practice  (i.e.stretching throughout the day, building stamina on yoga poses and stretches, reviewing choreography) so that our time can be used more efficiently.  We hope that all dancers are taking advantage of their free-time this summer by taking dance/yoga/fitness classes to enhance their abilities.  Whether you are able to take classes or not, there are many opportunities that you can take on your own to help develop your abilities. We hope that all team members do a variety of the following daily (even after practice days):

  1. Yoga Poses (including all back stretches, plank poses and rotations for 30/60 second intervals).  For more information, please select the following highlighted links: Yoga for Dancers, Build Your Own Yoga Sequence, Hamstring Stretch, Core and Shoulders Stretch, Top 10 to Challenge Yourself
  2. 8, 8-Count Kicks (1-4 alternating, 5-6 fan kicks, 7-8, side kicks, into leg hold)  For more reference about stronger battements (kicks) please watch and review the following: How To do a Grand Battement, Grand Battement,
  3. Barre Stretches (commit to the idea that "wherever you go, there you barre" and use any substitute location as a way to execute all the limb stretches.)  Variety of "barre" exercises for a great reference include FB Barre Workout, Barre Body
  4. Wall Stretches and Other Warm-Ups (be sure to have your legs and bottom fully against the wall, turned-out from hips to toes, push down from the inner legs periodically)  For more information about wall stretches click here.  For stronger leg and limb stretches and toning, please review videos like BB Lean Legs, Core de Ballet Warm-Up, Back Stretches, Hipflexor Stretch, Ballet Stretches at Home
  5. Turns and Jumps/Leaps (be sure that if you are practicing turns, you are in a wide open area like a backyard or large, level driveway)  If working on jumps (toe-touches, leaps/jetes, etc) be sure that you are remembering things like "toe, ball, heel", "feet find your hands", "tailbone and posture in jump" and others.  Before ANY difficult movement, you must stretch and warm-up your full body.  Long and short term injuries occur from not stretching properly and from lazy form and lack of focus.  Please pay close attention to what you are asking your body to do.
As a reminder, the Staff insists that dancers stay hydrated and eat well and often in order to strengthen your body and enhance your flexibility and technique.

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